"Hypnotherapy isn't a magic act or stage show."
Derika Faamausili
yet most people don’t realize. For example, have you ever left work to go home, and next thing you know, you're already pulling up to the driveway? You probably thought: “Wow, I don't even remember driving here.”

...That’s because you were under self hypnosis!

"Hypnosis has been used for thousands of years for everything from breaking bad habits to losing weight."
  • Familiar state of mind that we naturally experience on a daily basis
  • Powerful process that creates lasting change in our lives
  • Safe and effective for all people
  • Stage Show 
  •  Magic
  • Mind Control/Brainwashing
  • Telepathy
  •  Meditation
  •  Yoga
  • Reiki
  • Energy Healing
  • Prayer
Have you ever had a goal or dream that you spent months or even years trying to achieve and no matter what you did or how much progress you made, you wound up right back where you started or even worse off than before?

Some people spend a lifetime trying to lose weight, find the right relationship, find the right career, stop smoking, be more confident...

Why aren't they able to do it? Whats stopping them...?
In a nutshell, we all have programs or "blocks" that act as barriers between us and that impossible goal we want to achieve.
This is why you can work really hard to lose weight, then suddenly have it all come back...and then some

What is the "Yo-Yo Effect"?
Your conscious and subconscious mind are in a never ending battle with each other. Your conscious says: "Hey, I really want to lose weight." But then a program (from the subconscious mind) shouts: "No way!". This can happen at the start or some point during the process and is known as the "Yo-Yo Effect" because you constantly go back and forth, making progress then losing it again.

How do we get rid of these programs?
This is where hypnosis shines! These programs live and operate in your subconscious mind which is why they pretty much go unoticed by you. Through hypnosis, we are able to access your subconscious mind and start to make some serious changes...
  • Stage Show
  •  Magic
  •  Mind Control/Brainwashing
  •  Telepathy
  •  Meditation
  •  Yoga
  •  Reiki
  •  Energy Healing
  •  Prayer
Have you ever had a goal or dream that you spent months or even years trying to achieve and no matter what you did or how much progress you made, you wound up right back where you started or even worse off than before?

Some people spend a lifetime trying to lose weight, find the right relationship, find the right career, stop smoking, be more confident etc...

Why aren't they able to do it? ...Whats stopping them?
Simply put, we all have programs or "blocks" that act as barriers between us and that impossible goal we want to achieve.
This is why someone can work really hard to lose weight, then suddenly have it all come back...and then someThere's a program that kicks in and stops them from creating the lasting change they want creating whats known as the "yo-yo effect".

How do we get rid of these programs?
This is where the magic of hypnosis comes in! These programs live and operate in your subconscious mind which is why they pretty much go unoticed by you. Through hypnosis, we are able to access your unconscious mind and start to make some changes...
is kinda special...
Traditional Hypnotherapists persuade your unconscious mind by planting suggestions over a certain period of time. This very powerful technique creates new programs that are in alignment with your goal rather than blocking it. The problem is that it can be very lengthy or even leave the process incomplete.

After countless hours tweaking her techniques through trial and error, Derika successfully found the secret to creating long lasting results that happen faster than ever before.

Using her proprietary methods she created a recipe for success that has seen wonderful results with her clients both locally and all over the world. 

She's kept this recipe secret and has never shared it with anyone...until now!

Create anything you want in life without ever leaving home using Derika's self hypnosis audio's.

If you want better health, better relationships, more money, less stress, to be happier, to be fulfilled, to find your purpose, to find your soul mate, to help others, to create a happy family, to love what you do, to look good and feel amazing...

                                                                   ...There's only 3 simple steps...
Step 1:    RELAX
The first step is to set your intention (the specific goal to be achieved) then relax your mind, body, and emotions so you can sink into a natural hypnotic state, letting go of any resistance, allowing direct access to your subconscious mind.

This is achieved by sitting or lying in a comfortable position while Derika guides you with soothing music and words, slowing down your thoughts, letting go of tension from the body, and balancing the emotions.

Step 2:    RELEASE
Now that your relaxed and your subconscious mind is receptive, Derika works to release the unwanted programs (habitual thought patterns and beliefs) that have been blocking you from achieving your specific goal and causing the "yo-yo effect".
Step 3:    REPROGRAM
Once the old negative programs are gone you must replace them with new positive ones that support your goal.

Without this step you'll be left with a void where new negative programs can come in, so Derika uses custom words, phrases, Hypno-affirmations, and energies to reprogram you with new positive beliefs that will manifest in your everyday life, helping you to achieve your desired goal.

READY TO RELAX, release and reprogram?
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